““There are a lot of films that depict the myriad of environmental problems confronting humankind, oftentimes with a sense of inevitability and dread. While we can’t turn away from these implications, we also need stories and examples to inspire and excite our imaginations about how crises can also be opportunities for substantive transformation. This film does that and more, providing a basis for how communities can both generate power (as in electricity) and also reclaim power (as in voice). Watch it and give your sense of possibility a much-needed boost!””
— Randall Amster, J.D., Ph.D., Teaching Professor, Georgetown University, Co-Director, Joint Environment & Sustainability Program and Environmental Studies Program
“Provides an unprecedented glimpse into the material steps being taken to improve the energy economy for those curious about green investment and renewable energy redevelopment.”
— Evan Robins, Arthur Press
“La Rosa hopes “How to Power a City” will give people concrete ideas of what they could achieve in their own communities.”
— Atmos
“Solutions-focused climate story....[that] demonstrates the societal and human health impact that climate justice action — in this case, renewable energy — can have on individuals and communities.”
— kawarthaNOW.com / ReFrame Film Festival
“Each city inspired the panelists in a different but meaningful way”
— Greg Breier & Julie Shapiro, Co-Chairs, North West Ohio Chapter of The Climate Reality Project
“It got them thinking about engaging with their learning in the world around them instead of just memorizing facts.”
— Amanda, Physics teacher, 11th grade class, Detroit UPrep
“I was impressed by how the people in the documentary never considered quitting their goal of using renewables for their unique communities even when they fought big business, government, and the uninformed minority of naysayers.”